Thursday, October 16, 2008

Reading tips for JK

Dear JK parents,

At St. Jude's we use both the bottom-up and the top-down methods to teach reading. Our reading programme is heavily phonics based. In JK, the students first learn the short-vowel sounds, then the sounds of the consonants. As each new consonant is introduced, the students learn the consonant short-vowel blend as well. A blend is when two or more letters are grouped together, but each phoneme retains its original sound.

In the reader going home tonight, you'll see a consonant on one page and then a blend on the next page. For example Mm, then mi. Students are to say the sound of the consonant. They may give the phrase if they wish. In this case, it would be "m says mmmmm for milk". And on the next page, you will see the consonant short-vowel blend. It is "mi for mitten". All blends or words being introduced at this time have a short-vowel sound.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Mrs. Wheeler

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