Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Reading Groups

Since the beginning of the year, we have been reading together as a class. Today, we started reading groups. This time provides students with the opportunity to read individually in small groups. We will still continue to read together as a class.

In your child's agenda, please look for a letter, a reading chart, a reader and the assigned pages. Reading homework will be every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Since the page numbers will vary depending on which group a student is a part of, the pages to be read will be written in the agenda and not on the blog.

For parents with children in JK, please have your child repeat the following phrases when reading their books:

Ii says ĭ for igloo.
Oo says ŏ for ostrich.
Aa says ă for apple.
Uu says ŭ for umbrella.
Ee says ĕ for elephant.

Happy Reading!

Mrs. Wheeler

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